PGConf Organizer

I have become one of the organizers of the PGConf Conferences and so PGConf has released my community profile.

PGConf Local: Austin 2017

I will be in Austin, TX on December 5th, 2017 giving a presentation on the basics of using PostGIS in PostgreSQL. With the basics in this presentation you will be able to find all the items within x distance or all items within a boundary such as a country, state, county, zip code, political boundry, or etc. Resources for free dataset's, such as the US Census Bureau, World Administrative Database, etc.

Seattle GNU/Linux Conference

I will be helping to man the SeaPUG/PGUS/Postgres Booth at the Seattle GNU/Linux (SeaGL) on 10/6-7/2017. This is a free conference at Seattle Central Community College. The presentation schedule has been posted on their website. Next year we will be submitting Postgres presentations for this conference.

PGConf Local: Seattle 2017 - Presentation Announcement

The first ever PGConf US Local: Seattle event is happening in partnership with SEAPUG on November 13th and 14th at the Sheraton Downtown Seattle!

On November 13th we have four training options available:

PGConf Local: Seattle 2017

It has been many years since we had a PostgreSQL conference in Seattle. I am happy that SeaPUG in partnership with PGConf is pleased to announce PGConf Local: Seattle is going to happen August 11th and 12th at the Seattle Sheraton. August 11th will be the tutorials and August 12th will be the two track conference. There is currently a call for papers that opened May 16th and runs until July 2nd. Speakers should be notified by July 8th.

PgCon 2017

I will be attending the 11th annual PGCon 2017 on May 23-27, 2017. This is a great place to meet the active developers of PostgreSQL as they meet on May 24, 2017 for the Developers Unconference. In addition to the Unconference, there are tutorials on May 23rd & 24th with the main conference on May 25th & 26th. Many times there are also activities on the Saturday after the conference, May 27th.

LinuxFest Northwest 2017

LinuxFest Northwest 2017 is on May 6th & 7th.

I will be presenting: Creating custom Postgresql packages in Alpine Linux for use with Docker/Containers/Virtual Machines.

Building custom packages in Alpine Linux.

Postgres 9.6.2 including plperl, plython2 and plpython3, ldap, ssh (Alpine Edge or backporting to Alpine 3.5)
or any other postgres add-on you wish to add

Setting up your own Alpine Linux repository.


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